A product of the digital era adapted to the analog world and the various travel conditions of the present and the future.The protagonist of this project is the driver and it is about how he relates to the vehicle in a natural way and everything else that is surrounding it.
Inspired by science fiction, she claims that integration of technology to our daily lives will be natural, simple, clean and elegant; not robotic and unfriendly. This will provide faster, safer and more livable trucks.
Winner team 1
Winner team 2
Winner team 3
Mentioned award
Internship or thesis opportunity
With the Quantron-as-a-Service Ecosystem (QaaS), QUANTRON offers an overall concept that covers all facets of the mobility value chain: QUANTRON INSIDE includes a wide range of both new vehicles and conversions for existing and used vehicles from diesel to battery and hydrogen electric powertrains using the highly innovative QUANTRON INSIDE technology. QUANTRON CUSTOMER SOLUTIONS ensures digital and physical aftersales solutions with a Europe-wide network of 700 service partners, as well as a service offering for maintenance, repair and spare parts, telematics and in-cloud solutions for remote diagnostics and fleet management. Customers receive individual solutions: rental, financing and leasing offers such as training courses and workshops at the QUANTRON Academy. In the future, QUANTRON ENERGY & POWER STATION will realize the production of green hydrogen and electricity as a platform. To this end, Quantron AG has joined forces with strong global partners. This Clean Transportation Alliance also forms an important building block for the supply of vehicles with the necessary green charging and H2 refueling infrastructure.